We are now holding a COVID-19 vaccination clinic in the efforts to battle the pandemic and return back to normal life. By now we all suffered enough of despair, grief and depression as our lives made a sharp turn around a new and deadly viral infection. No-one could ever predict that a virus can have such an impact on society and civilization of our Planet. Nobody knows for how long we will need to track the numbers of infected people, wear masks, do tests and rely on authorities for simple life activities to be allowed or not.
As an Immunologist with a significant knowledge of Infectious Diseases, I am hopeful that this coronavirus will simply become one of the corona-family. Coronaviruses are responsible for the common colds that are benign and affect all of us in winters. These viral infections can be dangerous to elderly and immunocompromised people, but otherwise are well-tolerated due to natural immunity.
Until the herd immunity will be well-established in the communities, vaccination is the only hope to reduce severe and deadly infections. We administer FDA – emergency approved vaccines:
CDC published many articles explaining vaccination and covid-19 prevention. Please visit CDC website for more information.
A questionnaire is required to receive the vaccine through our clinic. An eligibility to receive a COVID vaccine depends on the previous history of the reactions and allergies. If our staff determines you have precautions or contraindications to receiving a vaccine, you will need to schedule an appointment with the Doctor. Our clinic provides a wide range of testing and treatments that might help you to receive one or another COVID-19 vaccine as safely as possible.
Precautions and contraindications of teh COVID-19 vaccine administration
If you have certain medical conditions you may be eligible for the medical vaccine exemption. You must schedule a consultation with the doctor to discuss vaccine administration possibilities if:
You or your child received a previous dose of the coronavirus vaccine and had a reaction
If you had severe allergic to a vaccine
If you have severe reaction to any product containing PEG (polyethylene glycol)
If you have severe allergic reactions and asthma
Family history and/or personal known clotting disorder
While some reactions pose a significant risk to a person wishing to receive a vaccine, other medical problems will not be a problem. There are also medications that can be given before and after the vaccination to reduce potential risks and complications. Dr Kushnir will discuss all aspects and offer solutions.
We are here to protect you from infections!