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Lou Frisel
Frisel Lou, B.A., MSTCM, L.AC

Acupuncture, energy balancing and herbal treatments are an essential part of our integrative treatment. Meet our wonderful Frisel Lou who is adored by our patients and staff. Even her smile has healing powers! A native of the Philippines, she always had passion for mind and body healing.

Frisel Lou learned Chinese Medicine from the best mentors at Five Branches University in Santa Cruz and continues to master her techniques and knowledge as apprentice of Dr. Feng in Oakland and Dr. Edith Ubuntu Chan in San Francisco.

Dr. Jeffrey Pang, a master herbalist, has been invaluable in understanding. She believes learning is a life-long necessity for every healer. Frisel has thousands of hours of training in TCM in the U.S., but she felt that was not enough. She wanted to immerse herself in ancient traditions of healing and studied in China under the guidance of the best masters.

Frisel is actively involved in community teaching and is a member of many local health organizations.

Conditions she treats are complex and include (but not limited to):
  • pain management,
  • anxiety,
  • sleep problems,
  • brain and heart related diseases,
  • women’s health,
  • gastrointestinal disorders,
  • allergy,
  • migraines.

She practices energy balancing, mindful healing and meditation. She also works with our patients who are receiving recovery and regeneration courses of treatment after surgery, toxic exposures, severe stress-related health issues and chronic fatigue disorder.

Frisel also enjoys to work with people who come to our clinic to achieve better health and life balance. She designs and prescribes herbal formulas as a part of treatments, advises on meditations and mind-body control techniques.

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